Point is, I depend on sun, and lately it's been a little overcast. When it is overcast — in times like these — despite candlelight illumination at night (but computer charging does take it's toll) — it means I head out to get my tiny Honda 2000 generator to kick start me back to a fridge with power.
But the problem is, my Honda 2000 has seen some things. Some weather, some harsh conditions and the like. In a 100 year lifespan, my 2000 is a wee toddler, but generators don't typically live that long. In the current iteration, to use said-generator, it requires starter fluid (borrowed), strong arms (for the generators pull start) and one nice back side to sit on said generator to get that bad boy going.
So I've given up on Mr./Ms.. 2000 and yesterday, drove to town to purchase the 3000. No small investment. But it also means, no more pull starts and no need to sit on the damn thing as it's very heavy. My only task in that department, now, today is to drag the beast to the yurt on my very non-beasty garden cart.
Thankfully, there was enough sun yesterday to kick everything back on. But today's skies are looking a little shaky. So if you don't hear from me, I've somehow fallen over, been rolled over by my own garden cart and stuck between the bathhouse and the yurt.